Wednesday 02 August

I watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 now that it’s streaming. I enjoyed it, but I’m glad I waited instead of going to see it in a theater. Of course, as I’ve said before, there’s no movie I can think of in recent memory that I would go to see in a theater. Maybe I’m a misanthrope, or maybe I’m too old to want to put up with it, but even before COVID I was tired of how some people behave in places like that. I heard two people on a podcast recently talk about people’s lack of courtesy on airplanes as well. It’s not a new phenomena, but it’s no less tolerable. Anyway, GotG3 was fun, but if you plan to see it and you’re an animal lover, be prepared.

Stay healthy and safe.

Today’s Mass Shooting

Police: Mother slain, young son, two others shot in Auburn Gresham neighborhood

Song of the Day

The entire Song of the Day playlist is available on:

Apple Music

