Friday 01 September

Jimmy Buffett died today.

Like many, I first encountered Buffett’s music in the mid 1970s. I bought his records and attended his concerts through much of the 1980s and 1990s. I started to lose interest in the mid to late 1990s, though. His newer music made me feel like he was just phoning it in, and his concerts seemed to be attended more and more by people that wanted to get drunk and be obnoxious than have fun and listen to music. I listened to him less and less, and I hardly ever go back to his songs these days. Ironically, the first time I used one of his songs as a Song of the Day was in the Wednesday 30 August post, which I wrote on the day he died.

He was a big part of the soundtrack of my life for many years, though, and I have fond memories of experiences and relationships where I can hear his music playing in the background. Godspeed.

Stay healthy and safe.

From the February 1979 issue of National Lampoon. As P.J. O’Rourke wrote: “That’s Jimmy in the funny hat. Buy his new live album, You Had to Be There, or he won’t have enough money to keep buying big sailboats to invite me on. The big guy with the box of Wheat Thins is Captain Larry Gray, and the other fellow in the beard claims his name is Phil Zipplesquiliph.”

Days Without a Mass Shooting: 1

Song of the Day

The entire Song of the Day playlist is available on:

Apple Music

