bookmark_borderThe COVID-19 Diary: Wednesday 23 June

Someone asked me recently what I was going to do with this site once the pandemic was over. The short answer is I plan to keep updating it, although I may change the name. I enjoy maintaining it. It only takes about 30 minutes a day and it’s a nice break between the workday and the evening. People enjoy it, and I like giving people something they enjoy.

The more important part of the question to consider is when the pandemic will be over. For me and my immediate circle of family and friends, I can make the case that it is, barring some new variant that’s not covered by the current vaccines. I’ve stopped wearing a mask when I go out unless my destination requires one. I think regular weekend get-togethers with friends will start again soon. I expect to participate in large family gatherings for Christmas this year.

On the other hand, much of the world remains in crisis and parts of this country with low vaccination rates are still at high risk. We’re still dealing with this and it’s important that I recognize that, even as my life slowly returns to normal (whatever that is). So I’ll be here for the foreseeable future.

Stay healthy and safe.

Song of the Day

The entire Song of the Day playlist is available on YouTube.

bookmark_borderThe COVID-19 Diary: Tuesday 22 June

I’m having five trees removed from my front yard. Four of them are junk, including two Bradford pears. The fifth is a nice looking river birch that’s too close to the house. Its root system is starting to interfere with the sidewalk and would eventually start messing with the foundation. I hate to lose it, but I have three other river birches in the yard to enjoy. (Yes, there are a lot of trees in the yard.)

Stay healthy and safe.

Song of the Day

The entire Song of the Day playlist is available on YouTube.